I found the following book in our local
consignment/thrift shop on Sunday afternoon.  Paid a
mere $9.75 for this very large, hardcover book with
LOTS of beautiful color photos.

Lace History and Fashion by Anne Kraatz

It's a very nice book and talks by century about types
of lace and how they were made, beginning with the
16th and going through the 20th.  I believe it was
originally published in French because there is a note
at the beginning that Pat Earnshaw translated it to
English.  At the end of each "century" section, it
recaps the types of lace and what each region was
doing.  There are quite a few photos of art to connect
the lace to the fashions of the time.

In one section, there is a marvelous photo of a piece
of polychrome lace.  And, the ground is black thread! 
In my polychrome class at the IOLI this summer, Pompi
said that the ground was traditionally white or
off-white.  It makes me sad to think of all those
polychrome samples and pieces that were lost.

The emphasis in the book is on Italian, French and
other continental laces.  I was overjoyed with my
find, and was happy to forego the purchase of the
1950s hand-crank card shuffler once I saw this book on
the shelf!

I have reached the bottom of my polychrome piece from
class and am debating how to through out pairs, so I
hope to have a photo for the webshots next week.

Diane Williams
Galena Illinois USA

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