Thank you very much for sharing this interesting link. I lost the link to Museum of Vamberk some time ago. (VKM)

For those of you not as fortunate to be able to visit Pretoria or Cape Town, there is a website

Vamberecká krajka CZ  where you can view their catalogue 
and the history

>of the company. To view in English click EN at the lefthand bottom corner of the page.

Here it is another link to a Russian web page with patterns, though you have to explore it in the original language, as there is no translation to English.

Enjoy it!

Greetings from Barcelona, where the next Sunday will take place the Annual Lace Day Event of "La Merced". I shall be there demonstrating "Witch Stitch Lace" and I hope it will be a great day.

Carolina. Barcelona. Spain.

Carolina de la Guardia

Witch Stitch Lace II now available

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