Hi Trish !

You have prompted me to dig out the newsletter article I did for the NCRL
in June of last year!  The article was "A Systematic Approach to Binch
Lace:  Michael Giusiana".   Michael actually studied at Geneseo State
College in New York.  (He didn't mention toxic dumps when he wrote me his
biographical blurb!!)  Can't imagine why!!  ;)))  While searching for
off-loom weaving techniques during his final year of college, he discovered
Kathe Kliot's book, "Bobbin Lace", which had just been published.  He
taught himself to make lace from that book.  In fairly short order, he had
studied with Brigitta Furhman, Pamela Nottingham and Anna Blanco, and then
attended an IOLI convention in Michigan where he met Susanne Van Ruymbeke
of Belgium who was teaching at the convention.  He went to Belgium to study
with her the following year, and while there learned that he had been
accepted for a post teaching at the American School in Germany, where he
has been ever since.  

And BTW - the "systematic approach" refers to his Binche (and now Flanders)
study guides which help the student of these laces stay focused on a course
of study even if they jump around from one kind of lace to another (as many
American lacemakers are fond of doing.)


Clay Blackwell

> From: Patricia Ann Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dear fellow spiders,
> I was a member of Michael Guisana's first lace class at Cedar Lakes Craft
> Center in Ripley, WV,  lo these many years ago (24 I think!). He was
> teaching in one of the schools in the area. I seem to remember that he
> up in the upper state New York area (Erie?), somewhere around the Love
> area. I think his father had something to do with the homes that were
> over the toxic dump site there. This was all before he headed out to
> and gained his fame!
> Trish in Greater Downtown Scott Depot, WV

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