Hello Natalie

If you mean which species of flax is best for lacemaking then it's Linum Usitatissimum, otherwise known as common flax, but if you mean which brand of flax/linen threads is best then it's very much a personal preference. The end products will be influenced by the climate in which the flax is grown and by the way it is harvested/processed.

Try Googling on:  Linum usitatissimum climate


On 2 Oct 2005, at 16:57, Nathalie wrote:

Hello Spiders,

I'm trying to find more information about flax. I want to know which flax is the best for lace. I know there's a lot of factors that make good flax, but I'm keen to find out what the best flax seed is. Any other information is also more than welcome. I have looked and looked but to no avail. Pat Earnshaw's book on threads was extremely interesting but she didn't really seem to mention which flax was the best. Most sites and people will tell me "The best flax will do." but that doesn't really help me much! :-)

I'd also love to know more about the history/evolution of flax production. Were people able to make better flax *way back* and, if so, why.

Thank you and sorry for bothering you with a boring question. :-)

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