
I send this only in the interest of accuracy.  We are not all lacing widows.
Personally, I have to admit to being married.

Please read the definition below.  I would find another name or title,
unless we are to rewrite the dictionary I think.
Dowager does have a lovely ring to it, but knowledgeable people might raise
an eyebrow.

dowager - Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 :

  Dowager \Dow"a*ger\, n. [OF. douagiere, fr. douage dower. See
     1. (Eng. Law) A widow endowed, or having a jointure; a widow
        who either enjoys a dower from her deceased husband, or
        has property of her own brought by her to her husband on
        marriage, and settled on her after his decease. --Blount.
        --Burrill.        [1913 Webster]

     2. A title given in England to a widow, to distinguish her
        from the wife of her husband's heir bearing the same name;
        -- chiefly applied to widows of personages of rank.        [1913

              With prudes for proctors, dowagers for deans.
                                                    --Tennyson.  [1913

     Queen dowager, the widow of a king.        [1913 Webster]

dowager - WordNet (r) 2.0 (August 2003) :

      n : a widow holding property received from her deceased husband

dowager - Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856) :

  DOWAGER. A widow endowed; one who has a jointure.
       2. In England, this is a title or addition given to the widows of
  princes, dukes, earls, and other noblemen.

dowager - Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 :

  57 Moby Thesaurus words for "dowager":
     Eve, Frau, abbess, beldam, chatelaine, crone, dame,
     daughter of Eve, distaff, domina, donna, femme, first lady, frow,
     frump, gentlewoman, girl, goodwife, governess, grandam,
     grande dame, grandmother, granny, great lady, hag, homemaker,
     housewife, lady, lass, madam, matriarch, matron, milady, mistress,
     mother superior, old battle-ax, old dame, old girl, old granny,
     old lady, old trot, old wife, old woman, queen dowager, relict,
     squaw, trot, vrouw, wahine, war-horse, weaker vessel, widow,
     widow woman, widower, widowman, witch, woman
Having been an arachne no more than two or three years, I bow to the

Susie Johnson
Morris, IL
Where the fall colors are in and the chill is in the air..

Have a Great Day!
Susie Johnson

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