I had seen bobbin lacing at an event and thought it
was really neat, but being in the middle of college, I
didn't really have time to pursue it.  Lucky for me,
my mom also thought it was interesting.  
When my parents were on a travel sabbatical, my father
ended up in Colorado doing some Air Force Reserve
stuff.  My mom had days to herself, so she looked
through the local yellow pages to find all the
yarn/craft/hobby shops.  One of the shops she found
was offering bobbin lace lessons, which she
immediately got involved in.  And luckily for me, my
mom and I have this arrangement:  Whatever she learns,
she passes on to me and whatever I learn, I pass on to
her.  When she came back (and I had summer vacation),
she taught me half, whole and cloth stitch and then
handed me Cook's "The Torchon Lace Workbook" and a
love affair began.  
I have to admit, I am currently in a non-lacing period
of my life.  Having a two year old and a newborn
really bites into my lacing time.  The pillow lives
upstairs where my DD can't get into it, but it means
that I rarely get into it either.  But I am looking
forward to making lace again when I get my act

Cathy in Newark, Delaware, USA

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