Devon wrote,

> Maybe things are different in Virginia, but in the groups I have belonged

> to, the biggest incentive for good attendance is that if you are absent
> might find you were nominated for and voted into the presidency. Or
> what you meant by pecking order is that the president is at the  
> bottom of the pecking order? 
> Devon

I think that it IS entirely possible that things are different in Virginia
- and anywhere else in our country, for that matter - than they are in New
York City.  (Sorry, Devon - you walked right into that one!!)  ; )   My
personal experience with big city/anywhere else is that the pace is more
relaxed outside the big cities.  The organizations I have belonged to here
in Virginia have always included newcomers as well as seasoned members. 
People seem to serve according to their enthusiasm for the goals of the
organization.  And frankly, here in a small town in Virginia, it's a lot
easier to live on one income, which enables a partner who is either
free-lancing or orthewise self-employed (or being a domestic god/goddess)
to devote more time to worthwhile causes.   

As for "running" for President of the Jaycees, that doesn't surprise me. 
Here in VA, this is one of the "incubator" civic groups which up and coming
leaders "must" belong to in order to move up in their respective
businesses.  Being elected to an office in such a group is a badge of
achievement which looks good on a CV, and assures recognition in the
business world as a "mover and a shaker".  And anyone worth their salt here
serves on the boards of a few non-profits (NO glory there...) to give their
part to the effort.

I served as President of my guild for two terms - because I was willing to
do it when asked, and because I had the time, energy, and some ideas I
wanted to see happen (and they did).  My successor is also a willing leader
who also has the time and the ability to get things done.  In fact, I don't
think that any of the leadership in my guild has ever been coerced.  It's
not a nasty chore - it's a fun project, and we have a good team so you're
not shackled to the gavel if you need to be out of town!

So yes, things are different here...  


Clay Blackwell
Lynchburg, Virginia

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