On 12/9/05, Jean Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Came across this 'lace dye'. It isn't specifically intended for lace, as the
> label on the bottle states 'craft dye'.
> Has anyone tried doing this. The effects show in the photographs are
> interesting, but does the dye bleed or can it be made to stay within

There is a little book of clown dolls and similar in bobbin lace
(Kloskant in drie dimensies), which I bought thinking I might learn
something new about using colour - yes I did, but not with coloured
thread - she used  textile paint to get the blocks of colour. If I
would try it, I would buy the inexpensive craft paint used for
stencilling fabric. It is set with an iron, and won't bleed once set.
Dab it, rather than paint it, in place, with a bit of sponge. In the
UK you have a line of pigments for textiles which should be good (and
which we can get here, but they are more expensive than the stencil
paint). I can't recall the name exactly, but I think it is called

bye for now
Bev in Sooke BC (on Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada)
Cdn. floral bobbins

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