Last night a fellow lacemaker was showing me a new addtion to her lace
collection.  The little doily was labelled "pita lace".  It was a most
beautiful airy little thing, like a delicate spider web.  Neither of us has
ever heard of pita lace before, it really looked like a super-fine knitting.
where bobbin lace would have a half stitch trail this had what looked like
"perl stitch"..perhaps needle lace would have this?  One feature was a
series of little bobbles made up of bundles of thread.  I ssumed they were
made by winding the thread around a small tool, maybe a needle, and then
they had a couple more extra rounds to keep the shape.  They were only about
an eighth of an inch across.  Can anyone enlighten us on this particular
lace?  Thanks   Sharon on cold, frosty, slippery, Vancouver Island

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