Dearest Spiders,
Today I went to a local SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) event, just
folks from the New Orleans area, and a friend introduced a new gal, by
saying, "this is our lace maker, you should see her lace." And the lady,
Joanne, asked if I made bobbin lace, something she's always wanted to
learn.  Apparently her grandmother from Puerto Rico made lace, and she has
all of her grandmother's bobbins, the pillow, and best yet - samples! 
Would I please teach her how to make lace?  Of course! I mean, how could I
say no?  And I'm dieing to see the bobbins, pillow, and the samples.  We
don't have a specific date set yet for the get-together, but probably in a
couple of weeks.  I'm excited.  I also told her about our community.  A

Beth McCasland
in the suburbs of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
where it was bright, sunny, cool, and very windy today.

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