Theresa, I'll grant you that the ILSoft website needs some attention, but I
don't agree that the information is "bogus".

There was a huge upheaval at ILSoft last year...which has left the
owner/programmer of Lace 2000 trying to do everything in his company by
himself - and he is not a lacemaker.  And, because of its relatively small
turnover, Lace 2000 is a minor part of his business, and gets an accordingly
minor part of his attention.

I know that he used a work-experience student to update his website...and
obviously that's where the confusion arose about referring people to The
Lace Studio website.  The Lace Studio is no more, so that's why the links
don't lead anywhere.   I have written to England about that matter.

However, the programme IS still supported - and as I've repeatedly said, all
anyone has to do is email me for help and support.   I will also send you
privately a demo version of the programme.

As for updates...the version of the programme being sold is the 2002
version, and includes any patches which were needed by owners of earlier
versions of the programme.  The version which needed patches has not been
sold for several years now.   Having said that, I only know of one small
programming error, and I do have a solution for that, and have sent it to
several Arachnes in the last couple of weeks - it is free of charge to any
owners of the programme.  

Anything I say about Easy Lace (for which I wrote the instruction book,
similar to the one I wrote for Lace 2000) or Knipling will not be seen as
unbiased, because of my involvement with Lace 2000.

Sufficient to say that, long before I had any involvement with the company
at all, I had tried the others, and chose Lace Designer Gold (which was the
forerunner of Lace 2000) for myself.   Since then I have tried the others
again, and still I keep coming back to Lace 2000.  

Both Easy Lace and Knipling are far more "technical" in nature, and from my
observations of Easy Lace users both in Australia and England, it appears to
be less "intuitive" and harder to come to terms with...the language is more
difficult for lacemakers to relate to.

I will say one more thing - my direct involvement with ILSoft now goes back
about 6 years...and most of the work I've done in that time is on a purely
voluntary basis.   So I'm not trying to "sell" you on Lace 2000 in order to
make money - in fact, as I've also said before, I'm only allowed to sell
within Australia, so it does not affect me whether anyone anywhere else in
the world buys Lace 2000 or not. 

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

-----Original Message-----
Teresa Thomas
Sent: 01 March 2006 00:28
Subject: [lace] computer aided lace drafting

I am usually a lurker here. I enjoy reading everyones posts. So please
forgive me.
For now I have a big question about computer aided lace drafting programs. I
found 3 programs. After reading past posts and many personal web sites it
had looked like Lace 2000 would be absolutely wonderful. I have recently
found out that ILSoft is not supporting nor updating this software. Nor are
they answering emails with inquires and questions about updates, support or
patches for know bugs. The version they are selling is an 2002 version, four
years old. To me this looks like an orphan program that ILSoft is still
collecting money on. The information on there web site about a down loadable
Demo as well as patches and updates at "The Lace Studio" are all bogus.
These issues are a problem for me. I did just read Ruth Budge post. It is
quite a coincidence that I had planed to cover this issue with an inquiry
The other 2 programs that I found are Easy Lace and Knipling. Any feed back
from users about these programs? At least these companys appear to be
keeping current and updated. Please give me feed back about the pros and
cons for Easy Lace and Knipling software.
A big thank you to everyone.

Teresa Thomas
 From sunny south Texas, right on the Gulf of Mexico.

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