I apologize if the following is a repeat.  I never saw it show up, but then
I've not seen a lace or lace-chat message in a couple of days...

I have a question regarding our "Ott lites" here in the U.S.  Is there
something similar in Europe?  Particularly Belgium?  I guess I'm wondering
if there is an equivalent bulb I can put in my existing lamp.  I know my
regular lamps will work fine with a 220 bulb and an adapter on the plug but
I'm not sure about the "Ott lite"
The reason for my question is that 10 days ago we found out that DH will be
transfering to a job at NATO.  We spent 2 years in Belgium 8 years ago and
are thrilled at the prospect of going back, although this has been a rather
fast evolution.  We just came back to the States from Guam about 9 months
ago and today was DH's last day at work here in Washington D.C.  He'll be in
Belgium in another 10 days.  So we are frantically trying to figure out what
is staying behind and what is coming with.  The Ott-lite was aquired after
living there previously so I have no experience.
This move will certainly put my most pressing project on hold for the time
being.  I had inquired earlier regarding garters as our oldest daughter is
to be married in May '07.  With input from this forum and wonderful help
from Holly VS., we've decided on a torchon pattern that Louise Colgan
designed.  DD has decided that the hearts should be in light blue with a
slightly darker shade of blue for the gimp while the remainder of the lace
will be white.  We're pleased with the result.
I was hoping to attend the NELG retreat this year as Guam was too far a
commute the past two years :-)  even though it falls over our 25th wedding
anniversary, (we were going to celebrate later) but circumstances have
certainly changed those plans.
Maybe this time in Belgium I'll be able to take a few lace classes.  Last
time our daughters were too young to be left on their own and Brugge is
still a distance from Mons which is where we were/will be again.  Binche is
nearby, though.  Lots to consider...but for right now, I just need to figure
out what goes and what stays behind!
Dona Bushong in West River, MD where we've had a couple of spectacular
spring days!  (soon to be in Mons, Belgium)

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