Hi Lynne et al,

Your last line made me smile!   In one of my (very) previous cars, I had a
sticker saying 'Lacemakers Do It on a Pillow' - I think I obtained it in the
very early days, from Mr Hornsby.

However, I was on the way one Thursday to Woodbridge, for the meeting there,
and stopped at traffic lights.   The lorry-driver behind me started to hoot,
so I looked to make sure no warning lights were on - the car *was* very
elderly.   No - everything seemed OK, so I just sat and waited.  The hooting
carried on, so in the end, out I leaped, to see what was upsetting him.   He
said 'Do you give lessons?'.

'Pardon' I said, not having a clue what he was on about.

'Do you give lessons?' he repeated, but this time gesturing towards the

At that point, I abandoned dignity, hurled myself back into the car, and
raced away on a red/amber light, blushing scarlet.    I replaced the  car a
couple of months later, and didn't even try to salvage the sticker .....

Carol - in Suffolk UK

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lynne Cumming" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 - lacemakers do it on pillows - come and see how!
> Lynne.
>  Lynne Cumming
>  Baldock, North Herts, UK
>  "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the
> -
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