On 5/26/06, Barbara Joyce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Last summer when I was demonstrating bobbin lace at the Washington State
Fair, a woman came up to me almost breathless with enthusiasm. "Look," she
said to her friend, "My father used to do that!"

I replied, "Your father made bobbin lace?!?!"

She said, "No, he tatted!"

aw that's charming ;)
My favourite was the guy in work gear  who watched me for awhile when
I was demonstrating at the community museum. We chitchatted about the
weather then he said, "well, I'll leave ya to yer knittin' " - I just
chuckled. He came by again and in passing remarked that his great-aunt
used to knit too. She used a needle and thread. :)))
I know what he meant - a task involving stringy yarn and some sort of
tool  by a female member of the family was "knittin' "
I think a lot of people define tatting broadly, like that, as well ;)

Bev in Sooke BC (on Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada)
Cdn. floral bobbins  www.woodhavenbobbins.com
blogging lace at www.looonglace.blogspot.com

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