On Jun 11, 2006, at 8:05, Jean Leader wrote:

Cluny de Brioude was my first choice for Montreal too and that's what I got

That's _super_ news; I'm getting really hyper, hearing that so many Arachneans will be in that class (but I promise to behave once there; honest Injun <g>)!

I've also been wondering where to get the silk so if anyone finds a good source please let me know.

While Jacquie (Laceandbits) still hasn't heard whether she's got that class (I'm keeping all my toes crossed for the intention), if she gets it, she'll be another Brit looking for the thread and having to get it from France directly. So you could pool resources, maybe.

And Margot Walker wrote:

[...] I must say that I think the pendant is very ugly,

I wasn't gonna say that in public <g> And, anyway, I don't think it's "very ugly". Just "undistinguished" :) If loaded with beads (to keep those plaits leading to the final "ring" straight), it might make a nice Christmas ornament.

I decided that it didn't matter that I didn't like the design - I just wanted to learn the techniques.

I signed up not knowing what the project was like, for the same reasons; I want to learn (and I like working with colour). But now I have the added excitement of looking forward to connecting with new, and re-connecting with old, friends and acquanitances, in class and out...

I was so afraid that Montreal would not be well attended once I heard that the major US suppliers were not going; I'm glad to hear that's not so (corroborative evidence: I've heard of at least one person who _didn't_ get her first choice, suggesting that the classes which had survived are well-subscribed).

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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