Dear Lacemakers,

I think it was Alix who asked about Marian Powys two weeks ago, and I have 
seen no replies to the list.

The Marian Powys' book was republished a couple years ago, and information 
should be available if you do a web search of her name.  I do not own the newer 
edition.  From the original Powys book jacket, "Lace and Lace-Making", 1953, 
Charles T. Brandford Company, Publishers - I quote:

"Marian Powys became passionately interested in lace in her youth and took it 
up as a life work.  She is known as an authority on the subject, having 
studied and worked with lace as artist, craftswoman, professional, collector, 
museum expert, and lecturer.

"At the beginning of this century (meaning 20th C.) there was a revival of 
lace making in England with emphasis on good design.  Under this influence 
Marian Powys began to study lace, learning design at the Yeovil School of Art 
Somerset.  With her first earnings in teaching lace making, she went to 
and there studied needlepoint.  Some years later she was able to go to 
Venice, learning there to make Venetian Needlepoint.  In 1913 she came to 

"Receiving a gold medal for design and execution of lace from the Panama 
Pacific Exposition of 1916, she opened the Devonshire Lace Shop, an 
lace exchange which continued in New York for 30 years.  This was a unique 
opportunity for the study of lace: collections of the greatest rarity came in 
constantly to be expertized, appraised and sold, many of them owned by 
collectors who filled out her knowledge of the historical and technical 
background of lace.

"Marian Powys was for years consulted by both the U.S. government and the 
lace importers when difficult cases arose concerning tariff restrictions on 
 In 1950 she became Consultant of Lace for the Metropolitan Museum of New 

My Lace and Embroidery Resource Center library also has a copy of the 
Phillips - London - auction catalog for Wednesday, 17 June 1992.  This auction 
included the property of the late Marian Powys - something you might be able to 
search for on the Web.

See my next memo - Marian Powys - Part 2, for more information.

Jeri Ames in Maine USA
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center

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