Hi everyone,
Now that this subject is almost exhausted, can I say that I still use a
generic CAD program - EasyCad. I started using a DOS version of it well
before there were specific programs for lacemakers. I bought the windows
version 5 or 6 years ago for about the same price as Lace Designer Gold (or
whatever incarnation was in use then). It is probably harder to learn to use
because it isn't lace specific, but then no one has made the decisions for
me as to how I will do particular lace-related tasks, so there is a lot more
flexibility. I also use it to draw house plans, filet crochet patterns and
whatever else I fancy.
I used to rough out what I wanted to do onto graph paper first, but then I
also used to draft text roughly on paper first before using a word
processing program to type up the almost-final version. Now I work directly
on the computer unless I hit an insoluble problem - solve on paper, then
back to the computer.

Christine Johnson (Sydney, Australia)

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