Apologies to everyone, I got in a bit of a muddle and think I sent this

Sorry, serves me right for 'lurking' for so long, if I had been a little bit
more active, I might have got it right first time <vbg>


-----Original Message-----
Jill Harward
Sent: 26 July 2006 19:55
To: lace@arachne.com
Subject: RE: [lace] Only the Lonely

Hi Patty and all :-)

Great idea to come out to play on Arachne:-)

I have been a lurker for ages due to very long and unsociable working hours
but as of three weeks ago, I gave up my job (yippee) and I aim to try and
finish a few pieces of lace that have been on the go for some time - years
in fact.

This new found freedom is really exciting and I have started getting all my
pillows out to remind myself what I need to do........

Well, what a shock, I had not realised what I had ......4 pieces of
Milanese,1 piece of Paris Ground, 4 pieces of Binche, 1 piece of Flanders
and 1 piece of Torchon ........I think that is it but I have not made it to
the back of my (large!) cupboard to see if there are anymore in there!!

I am guilty that every time my friends and I went on a lace course, I never
had a free pillow, there was always something on the go that I did not want
to cut off, so I would buy another pillow!!!   <Vbg>  That all has to stop
now of course and I need to finish something.

The thing is, what to chose first :0)   I am going to enjoy this but sadly,
I must remember that I have to find another job, albeit one which allows me
to have a little bit of a life to do my lace etc.

Isn't lace just the best thing to get involved with :-)

Best wishes

>From just outside Redhill in Surrey in the UK - where a storm is brewing
right now so hopefully we will all be able to get a night's sleep after all
these weeks of soaring temperatures (I love the sun but this is just a
little bit too much).


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