I have mine filled with raw <cleaned but not degreased> wool. I love
it!! It takes a lot of wool but it is lightweight and my pins stay
nice and shiny from the lanolin in the wool.

Another nice side effect is that due to the lanolin seeping into the
cover fabric for all these years my pillow is water resistant. I
usually have a glass of water with me at all times and have spilled it
on my pillow from time to time and it just rolls right off.

The down side is that you want to use a darker fabric preferably with
an irregular pattern to it as the lanolin doesn't seep evenly in the
begining and you may have light splotches on lighter colored fabrics.
I use a dark burgandy upholserty velvet with an irregular dash of
dark blue and dark yellow threads and you don't really even see the
marks after the 2nd year.

As for what size, I don't use mine on my lap so that part I can't help
you with. I love my bolster as I do a lot of yardage and that is also
what I was first taught on.


On 7/27/06, Lenore English <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm thinking of making a bolster pillow and have lots of questions.
I'd welcome some input as to pros and cons of working with a bolster
pillow before I commit to this project.  What size bolster is good for
your lap, rather than a stand or table?

I like my Puerto Rican Travel pillow, but it is a bit small.  With
typical newbie enthusiasm, I started a lace edging that has far too
many pairs for the size of the bolster.  The bobbins get so twisted I
spend more time fiddling than lacing.  I like having the pillow on my
lap, though. It's easier for me to work that way.

I checked on lacefairy.com, and she suggests filling the bolster with
sawdust.  My husband has a full bucket of sawdust downstairs, and I
could sift it and have a huge pillow.  Wouldn't a pillow of sawdust be
rather heavy?

But what started me thinking about making a lace pillow is the 4 bales
of straw sitting in my driveway.  My husband got the straw from a
co-worker and he intends to mulch the garden with it.  I haven't
looked at it, and I don't know what kind of straw it is or how to
decide if it can be used in a pillow.

Thanks for all your help!

Lenore in SW Michigan


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