Tree shadows/shade is wonderful, but indeed, when I read about the
little critters that littered the maps, I remembered some of my own
adventures from vacations and outside demonstrations when I made lace
outside under a tree :-)  One has to beware of the feathered friends and
their nether regions, and also some of the seed pods and 'grime' that
can descend upon the unwary.  Clay's mention of sap is another that I've
noticed on my car over the years when I've parked in particular spots
that have some shade from large conifers

Perhaps a beach umbrella might do the trick of protecting the lacemaker
and her pillow - must remember to try this sometime.  

A little clear plastic for a few hours over the finished work (or a
baggie for long lengths) might also help.  Sometimes, it's hard to
retrieve gumnuts and things from the section that is still pinned.

How did Lacemakers of yore ever keep their laces clean from smoke from
cottages and other grime?  I know the BL'ers had cover cloths, but
interestingly, when you look at the workers who made torchon, beds, and
bucks lengths, in the pictures/photos, their lengths are all exposed and
draped over pillows.  Maybe this was just 'staging'?

Helen, Aussie in hot and dry Denver

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