Dear Bev -- I did look up <> and found your froggie. He is adorable, even cuter than his prototype in Sebastiana's charming book (I feel I can say this, since I made froggie's older brother a year or two ago). However, I had absolutely no luck looking up the reference to an old book that you gave. Any suggestions as to what might help there? -- Aurelia

Hi everyone on the lace list

I will post a much shorter version of this plea/invitation that you
can pass along to any lacemaker you think might like to contribute.

There is the beginning of a lace gallery at (click on Gallery, click on 'show only lace
entries - it will be a short list)

The purpose of this gallery is to promote lacemaking, of course, and a
gallery of this kind honours the work done by the late Ralph Griswold
in making accessible an archive devoted to lacemaking.

I encourage any of you to take part, first by visiting the gallery and
the lace archives, and second by contacting Kris with a photo of one
of your laces, ideally one that can be connected in some way with a
document in the archives:
It can be a lace from a pattern out of one of the publications, a lace
inspired by one of the publications, or in reverse, a lace that you
have already made for which you can find a connection of some kind in
one of the documents. I leave that up to your imagination ~

There was talk awhile ago that someone would coordinate this gallery -
Kris the webmaster is the best contact, and I think it better for
permissions etc. that individuals who have made the laces contact Kris
directly. There is a list of requirements for Gallery Submissions at
the gallery page.

Yes, any lace that we have made could be posted at this gallery.
So, if there is no particular connection with the archives, give the
source of the pattern, design credit, publication, etc. as

As you will see when you visit the lace gallery, there are a few
humble contributions from myself, and one from another lacemaker, an
almost bona fide pattern-from-the-archive (a public-realm type
pattern, it appeared latterly in an Anna magazine, but is given
exactly in several older publications)(and it is a very nice pattern,
done up, I must say).

I think that when my current projects have run their course and I'm
casting about looking for something to do, that a visit to the
archives will be in order, for the next inspiration.

For my part I am going to send an e-notice around to anyone I can
think of to let them know this is happening. From there, I hope the
project is self-promoting among us. We have to stand tall beside the
handweavers <vbg>

ps. I think it important to mention that John Cropper has taken over
managing Ralph's site (very ambitous site) and deserves credit too.
Ditto Tess Parrish who 'stood for' a lot of lace, pardon the pun -
scanning, and scanning, wonderful old magazines and books for the
Bev in Sooke BC where the power is out and I'm using battery backup to
be online. The UPS thingie is beeping annoyingly, but so nice not to
be cut off from the outside world just yet (on stormy south Vancouver
Island, west coast of Canada)

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