Hello all Arachnies
Well I havn't been lacing for a long time, (2years)now, and havn't been very active on the list either, and due to a course that I have to go to, for 4 weeks + 1 week, work wise, winther pruning og trees, and a chainsaw course, I will be unsubscribing on sunday, and at least for all the summer and autumn, After my dicorce and the moving to my new home, I just havn't had any power in me to do lace, even my teaching I have given up, stopped teaching in dec. 06, so I have to make some deap breathtaking, and start all over again, but have to have it all on a distance for a weile. I have meet a lot of lovely people on the list, some I have been spoken to on skype, some e-mail in person, and I just love this media, talking/mailing people all over the world, seen some homes from above, on google eath, and through the webcam, see lace work at once, and for thouse who asked me for help, I could tell straight away where the problem where, and that fare away from me. Thankyou for the time I was here, I will be back again, some time mayby first in a year
Happy Lacemaking to you all
Love Dorte from a rainy Denmark.
mit skype navn: mc535xv
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