I find these old patterns delightful, and plan to do some - when I get other projects finished!! On Saturday I bought the Brigitte Bellon book on BL Reticella. Some of the patterns will be able to be worked on my little travel roller pillow, and I can even do some of them in NL! As the book is in German or French, I won't be able to read the introduction - I have forgotten most of my school french!, but the working part of the book will be OK.

It has always amazed me that the skills of the painters could produce so well the laces worn on costumes that today, we can copy them so closely, and make similar lace. I received the UK Lace magazine yesterday, and there is a piece by Gil. Dye, and her lace copied from a portrait. The skills of the painter when painting the lace is awesome. It is a simple piece of lace but shown so clearly.

Even the Miniature painters, such as Hilliard and Oliver were able to paint the lace so that we could reproduce something very similar today. It is something I have had on my To-Do list - but working them in NL reticella (Punto in Aria) I have a good picture of Queen Eliz. I, with a clear picture of her ruff which I would love to do - one day! Maybe not the ruff, but certainly the lace!!!!!! :)

I would certainly be interested in any articles about it in the IOLI Bulletin.
Regards from Liz in warm, sunny, Melbourne, Oz.
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