Hi Spiders All,

I apologise for the cross posting, but I am hoping someone can help me!
About ten years ago, when I was teaching at school, and running the Lace Club
after school, I bought umpteen sweatshirts for my youngsters - I think part of
the attraction of the Lace Club was the biscuits and orange juice, and the
fact that the children could change from their school uniform into the bright
pink and bright blue sweatshirts!    However, I purchased them from Andrew
(and I can't remember his surname!) who had a company called Hand Print - they
printed lace logos etc on sweatshirts and polo shirts, and also printed bags,
and almost anything else, I think!

However, I have lost his details, and wonder if anyone can help.    As I say,
I know his mum made lace, I think in Devon or Cornwall, and the company was
definitely based in that area, but if anyone could let me know where he is
now, and if he is still doing these things, then I would be very grateful.

Carol - in Suffolk UK.

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