Dear Daphne,

the lace tablecloth looks phantastic. It is just great, that so many lacemakers 
willing to participate in this very special project. And you are brave to take 
adventure to do the whole cloth on your own for yourself. But I am sure, you 
will love it, 
both making it and the finished cloth.

Did your group design the squares themselves? 
I am planning to do some stripes of torchon lace for a curtain. But so far it 
is merely an 
idea in my head.
I admire you for having actually finished your group project.
I hope, you were able to raise as much money as you have hoped for.

Greetings from Germany,

On 19 Feb 2007 at 18:34, Daphne Martin wrote:

Hello One and all.
              In 2001 I designed a tablecloth to raise money for
              Children in 
Need. [Children in need is a tv program in the UK that raises money
for disadvantaged children] There were 36 Norfolk Lacemakers working
on it and it took five months to complete. It was then auctioned on
the local radio station and raised £1,310 in all. I am making the
cloth again for me. It takes 81x 4inch squares plus a simple border. I
have completed 16 squares with another 65 squares to go.

Daphne Dull Norfolk England

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