Gentle Spiders,
I took a wee bit of advantage having to take time off from work to meet a
contractor for some needed bathroom repairs (not Katrina related, but 45
year old house related), and worked on my gold thread lace project. 
Actually got some inches made, so at least something was accomplished for
the afternoon.  To repair the water damage from the leak around the tub
they'll have to completely gut my bathroom... and it's a one bathroom
house.  Tamara's pocket snake would have seized and died on hearing the
approximate cost to do the repairs.  Next monday is contractor #2.

I still haven't written the museum in Stockholm to see if I can get more
information on the little 16th century doll I'm trying to recreate.  I've
been busy on the lace and other stuff.

Beth McCasland
in the suburbs of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
where it's supposed to have thundershowers tomorrow, and I'm going on a
field trip into the marsh.  Oh what fun

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