
I love crafts of all kinds, and tend to go "whole hog" into whatever new hobby I begin. My latest new hobby is lacemaking, and I started this in 1983! I love everything about it, including the bobbins, new or old. In fact, the bobbins are what opened my eyes to lacemaking in the first place. There was a television program in England (where I was living then) that showcased collectibles. I can't remember the name of it, but Christine Springett was the guest during the week of Valentine's Day, and of course the topic was bobbins; specifically the use of bobbins as romantic gifts. I was captivated. It was like there was a magnetic pull on me to get my hands on one, and the next time I was near an antique shop, I went in and saw a lace bobbin with my own eyes. Soon there were two lace bobbins in my possession! One bone turned bobbin and one bone named bobbin (James). I thought I displayed them nicely, but for some reason they wouldn't stay put... everytime I passed by them, they insisted that I had to pick them up :) I don't know how long it took, but I sought out a lace teacher, and by the fall of that year, I had my first lace class. Over the next 18 months that we lived in England, I took weekly classes, attended 2 weekend workshops, many Lace Days and took advantage of every opportunity to spend time with others who loved this "hobby" as much as I did (thank you Fenland lacemakers). I also took every spare penny and put it into books, threads, pins, pillows, and especially bobbins! Sometimes my bobbins needed to have the spangle repaired, so I would do it. I always worried that I was changing the "history" of the bobbin, but I wanted to use it more than keep it in it's present condition...

One Lace Day, I purchased an old Mother&Babe with a Sweetheart bead in the spangle. I showed it to Christine Springett who was there, and later when I ordered some bobbins from her, I received a note discussing the old bobbin I had purchased. The spangle was arranged differently than she had ever seen, but she said of course, it could have been changed many times in the 150 years that it had existed!! Ever since then, I have had no problems changing my spangles! Especially if that makes the difference in it being used or not!

Happy lacemaking and keep using those bobbins!
Debbie in Florida [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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