Hello Australian lacemakers,


In december I am going to visit my son in Sydney. While I am there ,visiting
your country, I would enjoy giving a lace course or lace workshop to the
local lacemakers. I am a  lace teacher, was laureate of the lace teachers
course in the Kantcentrum (Brugge) in 2003, and have more than 28 years of
experience with continental laces from Belgium (Binche, Flanders, Mechlin,
point de Paris.., but also recently with the Chantilly  and Polychrome de
courseulles( France).


Maybe someone can bring me in contact with Petronella Wensing, whom I saw
once at the kantcentrum years ago (not knowing yet that one of my sons was
going to Australia for 3 years) ?

Please mail me privately for more informations,


Hope to see you in december ,


Magda (from rainy but warm Brugge- Belgium)

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