I don't mind one way or another - but... the IOLI organisation is big enough
that it should consider an inhouse system of notifying members, surely it
shouldn't be that difficult - could be an agenda item at the coming
convention, if someone would step forward to volunteer to help the
membership chair (and I'm not member, but have lots of free advice ...).

If you have renewal times that happen 4 periods of a year, the membership
database can be set to do a reminder message the period before the
respective renewal for those with e-mail. Or - you could swing the whole
entreprise to one renewal time only, a temporary headache, but in the long
run easier to administer I should think (see? lots of free advice...)

Another free suggestion: that IOLI have a member forum via the website, to
encourage communication - it does require someone to administer it, though
this is pleasant volunteer time. Other groups have them and can be set up to
be private for members only.

On 7/23/07, Laurie J. Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *Please let me know if this is NOT alright with you all.  I'd like to send
> the message 4 times a year in an attempt to save money for IOLI.*

Bev in Sooke BC (on beautiful Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada)

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