Fellow spiders,

I have received this information from Hungarian Lace Museum (Halas lace), inviting me to participate in "9th International Lace Competition and Croatian Lace Exhibition" and maybe it could be interesting to people on the list.

Site and e-mail appears on the mail below.


Hereby I invite you for our 9th International Lace Festival & Croatian Lace History Exhibition in Kiskunhalas, Hungary. /please, visit our site:www.halasicsipke.hu, and our virtual Gallery: muzeum.halasicsipke.hu/.
I attached the details of the international lace competition,too.

We would be highly delighted if you and your students and "lace friends" joined to the competition and also visited our exhibition.

Hoping to hearing about you soon,

Kind regards,

Zsuzsanna Kiliti
Lace House Director



Carolina. Barcelona. Spain.

Carolina de la Guardia

Witch Stitch Lace III now available

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