Hmmmmmm... years and years of  kids, knitting, (which I learned before I
started school) crochet,  bead embroidery, catering  and......and......
KNOWING there was a lace made on a cushion!
Raised in NYC we often visited the art galleries and I had seen pictures...or
atleast copies.Had no idea what I sought.  Whilst visiting in New Orleans,
Louisiana in the early '70's I met the neighbor of a friend.  During our
visiting the subject came up...she was English and told me BOBBIN LACE.  What
a joy!!!!!!
Thus began my search, evetually leading to Osma Tod and Russ at Robin and
Russ.  Osma had bobbins and Russ had all of 6 books.
Off to the gift shop to get some wood wool (elexclior) and a pillow was
fashioned.  Plus, DH found a magazine with an article by Faith Rogers that was
a Godsend.
Of course I, like many, lived in an area that had no idea what this lace
was..the library became my best friend.

Thru sweat, tears and swearing I was not going to do this, I finally learned.
Some one asked why I covered my pillows in blue fabric.....I answered that
they way my language would not show.   Think about it!

 In a couple of years I met Doris Southard and then I really started to grow.
Best friend anyone could have, lace or othersise.

It has been such fun, I never concentrated on any one lace type, always
looking for a new challange, but I have had a blast.

As some know, I had an  arm/hand accident that kept me bobbin less for a
couple of years, but I am teaching again and starting to demo and make lace.
No tricky stuff for a while but lacing.  ;-D)))
During my hiatus, I tatted and learned to bead.....really bead! More fun than
a barrel of monkeys and will always keep those handy.

Of late I used to  use Christines snake to teach my book is out
on loan and by the time it would get here the need would be over.  I cannot
believe I do not have a copy of it....but looking this morning has been fun,
fruitless but fun.  Every box and folder is like Christmas.

Time this old lady got back to the task at hand.
I can only wish you all the joyous life that I have.
Smiles, BarbE
Texas USA

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