Now the question.  Do you put an extra twist on the end of the row in half
stitch?  If so why?  It doesn't say to do this in the instructions I am
following at present, but I keep feeling I should.  What do you suggest?

Angela, this seems to be a matter of preference.  I Always put the extra twist
as I put up the pin at the end of a row.  That way I get the same worker for
the next row.  This way, I find, helps keep the tension better.

However, it is not wrong to just do the one twist, but you will find you use a
different bobbin as the worker for the next row, and you will have to tension
up differently.

Trial and error is the usual way of learning bobbin lace!!!  Do which ever way
you are comfortable with.
The extra twist should give a slightly firmer edge, too.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz, where it is a Very cold day - with a shower
or 2 of rain (Yippee!!)

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