I have just received a questionnaire from Marion Chastaing at the museum at Retournac. They are apparently trying to reach previous visitors to the museum (I was there in 2001) to compile information that would be useful for area tourism. I wonder if anyone else has heard from them?

Also, this is a reminder that the scanning still goes on. See <http://www.cs.arizona.edu/patterns/weaving/ > and scroll to the bottom of the page to find recent months' postings. For those who are collecting them, there are now eight CDs, all available at <http://www.handweaving.net/Store.aspx> There will be no more CDs, I'm afraid, because it takes so long to fill them up, but I have just finished another set of little scans thanks to Karen Thompson, and I'm waiting for some stuff from Sheila and possibly Sister Claire. So the work continues, if a bit more slowly than in the frantic days when the Professor was alive.

I hope that the above isn't considered a sales pitch. I just hear from so many people who want to know about the web site that I try to post the information now and then for the newbies.

Tess ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) in Maine, full of flowers and lovely weather.

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