Interesting.  There is a very famous university in these parts, which has an
art museum.  It recently loaned a painting, valued at a few million, to
another institution.  I believe it was a Leger.  When the painting was
returned, its "home" museum didn't unpack the crate for a few months.  When
a faculty member was ready to bring around her students, as was her custom,
it was discovered that crate and painting were missing.  It is believed that
the crate was discarded by workmen who assumed it was empty.  Anyway, the
painting is missing, and the art museum director has resigned.  And the
faculty member will no longer be recommending to her friends and colleagues
that they loan or donate art to the museum.

I have had lace bobbins neatly cut off my pillow (just two, side by side,
very neat) at a workshop.  It hurts too much to think that a fellow
lacemaker would do such a thing, so I prefer to believe that it was an
impulse that overtook someone casually passing through the room, either a
guest at the hotel, or one of the hotel staff.

I also have lost a mat edged with Binche that I took with me when
demonstrating.  I like to take nice lace along, thinking it may inspire a
new lacemaker or two.  When I think about it, despite the value that I
placed on that lace due to the time and effort it took to work, and that it
was a lovely design, I'm so grateful that I didn't lose the Bucks wedding
fan that I had made for my daughter's wedding.

The upshot is that I no longer take anything that I consider irreplaceable
or very valuable.  Even less valuable items I cover up, tie down, put away,
etc. etc.  Sad, but life eventually knocks some sense into even the most
naïve of us.


Carolyn Hastings
Stow, MA USA

> -----Original Message-----
> Of Clay Blackwell
> Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 9:01 PM
> To: Lynn Scott
> Cc: 'Arachne'
> Subject: Re: [lace] Re: Miss Channer
> Now THERE's a sad story!!  

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