Hi Lorelei and everyone on the list
Welcome back, Lorelie!

By coincidence your name came up as I was going through back issues of lace
magazines and found a pattern of your design that was published in the
Canadian Lacemaker Gazette. I intended to check out your website again,  but
now I'll wait!

The pattern was called Flickering Colours, featuring tallies (in colours) -
although I might be making it in white to suit another purpose, where I need
a Torchon edging of a certain width. I liked your design :))

That's great you are doing more bobbin lace.

On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 10:07 PM, Lorelei Halley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hello Everybody.
> I used to be a member of this group (from 3/01 to about 3/06).  But I lost
> internet access.  I also used to have a website using my name as the domain
> name.  But I just discovered the other day that someone else is using the
> lorelei halley name as a domain name.  That is not me.  When I get my new
> website set up I'll let you know.

Bev in Shirley BC, near Sooke on beautiful Vancouver Island, west coast of

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