The collection in the Braunschweig museum is apparently available again. If I'm not mistaken, Yvonne Scheele-Kerkhof was there last year and saw it. If it really is open, it's worth going to see, as it's a marvelous collection.

Baltimore, Maryland

Hello Jenny,
if you want to see laces in Germany you must start in the south in Abenberg. There is a museum with lace. Next would be the Erzgebirge Schneeberg, Annaberg and Schwarzenberg. In Brauschweig in the art museum was some years ago, if it is still so I don't know, one small room with laces from a famous German collector. In the north in Hamburg in the Museum fpr the applied Art in German Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe all laces are in the depot. You can make an appointment, at least 2 or 3 months in advance, and it cost round about 60 Euro. For a group it would be "payable" for a single person it's much.
In Flensburg in the museum you find a little bit lace.
In Dortmund, western part of Germany, are also some laces to see but most of them behind the open space. If you want I can look for the adresses. And if you are a member of Laceguild you find in the last issue an article about Erzgebirge.
Hope this helps  a bit.

Ilske in Hamburg

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