"It went for £1500 - I wish I knew what I missed seeing!"

It's quite possible that you didn't miss anything.  It may be that someone
else thought they were getting something far more special than they actually

Don't forget how many times we see *Antique*  *Rare* and *Hand Made*
attached to relatively modern, quite ordinary, machine made lace on e-bay.

Also remember that sometimes, and for some purposes, machine made lace is
more valuable than hand made.  A good few years ago now I was at a talk given
by a textiles expert from Philips auction house.

At the end she was shown a Maltese lace collar (in excellent condition)
which a friend had recently bought for about £30, which was a lot of money at
the time.  She asked for a valuation, and was relieved to here she had paid
about the right price for it.

The expert picked up a machine lace collar which she had brought with her,
and said "At auction, this would probably fetch as much or more than that
yours"  She then went on to explain that in fact lace collectors were in the
minority when it came to buying lace; more people were buying for theatre,
fashion and interior design use and for these purposes the bolder style of
much of the machine lace is more suitable.

So perhaps whatever was in the box, although not anything special in our
eyes, was perfect for some other use and a bargain to the person who bought

Jacquie in Lincolnshire.

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