Dear Friends,
whilst I haven't tried it myself, I recall hearing some years ago that a great stiffening agent is to make a saturated solution of polystyrene in turpentine.

You just take chunks of polystyrene from around your new TV or whatever and dissolve them in turpentine until no more will go in. Turps is magic on Polystyrene. I used to use a similar thing when I was teaching kids. Those were the days when meat from the supermarket came in those thin polystyrene trays. You simply draw on the back using a "real" smelly Texta pen. It slightly dissolves the polystyrene and then you can use your drawing to make prints from.

I know it sounds really aggressive, but maybe not. Has anyone here ever used it?
David in Ballarat

If you're going to use hairspray, Ulrike Loehr's technique of spraying it on to glossy card (eg cereal box) and using a paint brush to apply it,

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