Hello everyone,


I have just received an email from the organiser of our yearly trip to
Brugge, who is also a good friend of Anne-Marie and she says that she has
just got off the phone from Anne-Marie this morning who wanted to pass on
the good news:




Thank you all for filling in the petition and passing details on to others
of our persuasion.  There are 3 new directors..... the magazine will be
published but in a new format to include advertising, and  Anne-Marie and
all her girls are dancing around like a dog with 2 tails.  Of course there
are other details, like having to move into the old school building in
Ballestraat whilst the main building is renovated and decorated.  Also there
are plans for an on-line shop.  I am sure that there is a lot more, but
these are the main details.


I have been asked to thank you from Anne-Marie, in fact she said BIG THANKS,
so now I have duly passed on the message."



Also Anne-Marie mentioned that the previous director 'Dumon' is no longer


Please feel free to pass this on to anyone you know who will be interested -
good news always travels fast :- ))))).  Our group, Mole Valley Lacemakers,
went to the Beguinage in October since the English Convent closed the guest
house side of things and it was absolutely great :- ))))))  Now to hear the
Kantcentrum is safe just feels wonderful.


Best wishes



>From Redhill, Surrey

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