On 21 Jun 2010, at 20:11, Daphne Martin wrote:
> I sincerely thought I was helping the lacemakers who had a problem after
> had paid for the patterns. Its been brought to my attention that some of
> have just helped yourselves to the patterns without paying for them. That
> apalling and should be put right as soon as possible. The patterns are not
> expensive and Eve was very kind in letting her patterns be available for
> purchase.
> How would you feel if one of your family was very young to be hit by a
> bereavement and need the help of a charity such as this. Just a little

Hear hear Daphne.

I hope all those who helped themselves will see the error of their ways and
make a donation at least equal to the pattern price.

Claire Allen
Crafty stuff I want to show off.


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