Some things to consider:

In English, a first meaning of lace is a string thing that lassos  
(encloses). eg shoelace.
'braid' is a way to make a 'lace' and braid on a military uniform is often  
referred to as 'military lace' (we've gone down this road before on arachne  

The English word for the textile 'lace' in the several other languages I  
know of, is la dentelle (like a tooth) in French, die spitze ('sharp') in  
German, kant ('side' - edging perhaps) in Dutch; and those terms relate to  
the appearance of the textile.

I don't know how the term for lace diversified from its meaning as a cord,  
or a functional string, to include a textile graced with holes. But there  
we have it.

'point' is a term for 'stitch'

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