Susan said "The magazine that most were sent recently, must have been
trolled from this

To which Jean replied "How? Home addresses are not on here......."

What I want to know is how did they select who to send them to?  What is
the common factor among the lucky people who have had them?  Some of you who
had them seem to be unable to remember signing up to anything, and I don't
remember anything about it said on Arachne at the signing up stage.  It's
obviously not the membership of any particular lace organisation or more of us
would have got them.   Were you all at OIDFA in the Netherlands and signed up

I am presuming this is the same magazine that was talked about at the
beginning of June, then referred to as Dutch, now as Belgian.  I have looked
the  Kant in Vlaanderen website and can't see anything there which looks as
if I can order a sample copy.  Is there anyone with the appropriate language
who could tell me?

Jacquie in Lincolnshire

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