I can second Malvary's post - 

We have brittle bone disease in the family  - osteogenisis imperfecta not 
osteoporosis - and it certainly doesn't stop her.  I am obviously 'only' a 
carrier as are my three children, but we think our maternal grandmother 
probably had it as we have some photos of her at various times with an arm in 
plaster, and two of my grandsons have it.  There is also the possibility that 
first great-grandson (son of elder OI grandson) has it too, as his 
eye-whites look blueish.  We will have to wait and see.

A few years ago when Malvary had demolished her right wrist falling on ice, 
with a plate on one bone and traction supporting the other, she still 
worked on her Milanese all week at the workshop I was teaching, with the only 
help being on some awkward sewings.  The quality of her work was as good as 
usual.  And I am fairly sure that some considerable chunks of the curtain which 
many of you have seen in progress have been done as she waited for her two 
more recent breaks to heal (first upper arm, then the other wrist from 

Jacquie in Lincolnshire

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