Wow! Amazing reaction to my announcement, and I'm quite bowled over. I want to thank everyone for all their responses, and all the wonderfully varied opinions and advice. And for visiting the site - 265 views so far! I've already set up some interviews that I think you will enjoy. After 5 posts yesterday I'm a bit tired, so will take a day or so off to let the dust settle. I'm also getting more familiar with the blog site, and learning to do new things all the time. Next is to figure out how to post pictures. Just a few things - I just purchased the domain name - so that will point to the blog, as well as I definitely should investigate getting a better email address - but I've had for over 10 years. But this gmail stuff definitely bears looking into. I've made a number of categories on the site to assign postings to, including: auctions, competitions, conferences, contributing to LaceNews, Ebay Alert!, Exhibitions, Lace Events, Lace for sale privately and through dealers, LaceNews Articles, LaceNews Interviews, New Publications, and LaceNews Book Reviews. They won't actually appear on the site until something gets filed under them. If you think of others, let me know. I do think I'll do the Ebay Alert! twice a week, maybe Sunday and Wed or Thurs. Assuming there's something interesting. If anyone would like to contribute anything (like that article you always wanted to write...) please let me know! I wanted to do this for years, not only for the reasons many people have brought up, but also as a kind of online magazine. Without the advertisements (you have to pay Wordppress about $26 per year to get rid of those). Laurie
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