
Yup, I could have fixed it once I got home (certainly not in the 15 minutes 
in class), but I was too much of a wimp at that time to try. I don't think I 
even had reverse forceps yet, much less hackle pliers. 

Now I'd rather start a fresh piece and keep this one as a souvenir!


From: David C COLLYER <dccoll...@ncable.net.au>
To: Nancy Neff <nnef...@yahoo.com>; lace@arachne.com
Sent: Sat, September 18, 2010 9:13:56 AM
Subject: Re: [lace] Accidents


> And the weaver pair threads broke--both of them, right at the point of the 
> I still have that little scrap of Honiton, and am concentrating on my 

You're telling us that there was no way to fix it - hmmmm.
No chance of using a pin to undo a couple of passes then something like Hackle 
Pliers to tie tiny knots on the wrong side. I think I would have tried 
like that after all the work involved.


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