On Sun, 24 Oct 2010 17:30:29 +0000 (UTC), Alice wrote:
>Left or right can be important if the lace is made with gimp.  Some gimp 
>maneuvers are not reversible.  Previously on this List, people have met up 
>with patterns that would not work until they reversed the pattern, but it 
>doesn't happen very often.

My advice is be careful with Binche.   I tried to make a Binche edging from
Die Spitze, and without realising turned it so the footside was on the
opposite side.  In theory the working diagram could be turned round to do it
that way as well.  In practice I struggled through 2 repeats, finding it
very hard going.  When I worked out what I'd done and restarted with the
footside on the other side it flowed much better.

Steph Peters
Manchester, UK
Money can't buy everything. That's what credit cards are for.
Steph Peters  stepha...@sandbenders.demon.co.uk
Tatting, lace & stitching page <http://www.sandbenders.demon.co.uk/index.htm>

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