A long time ago I made a little oval mat, and I would like to make it again. However, this was so long ago that I have forgotten some of the suggestions and directions, having neglected to write them down on the back of the old pricking I intend to use. The pattern was printed in Die Spitze, Vol. 1 2003. Does anyone still have that copy? I don't need the pricking itself, but if there are directions or special instructions it would be very helpful to have them to refer to. My German is not good at all, so if someone who has the magazine and can help with translation, that would be helpful as well.

I know I am asking a lot, but Arachne never fails, so I am sure that someone out there can help. Thank you very much in advance.

Tess (tess1...@aol.com) in Maine, USA, where summer has arrived at last.

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