Hello All!  Recent threads have confirmed my thoughts regarding learning to 
make lace.  As I've mentioned before, I came to this art from the embroidery 
arena--crazy patch specifically.  I wanted to make lace to embellish my work & 
allow myself to use colors & motifs that are not commercially available.  More 
control, more creativity.  It's part of the reason I asked, earlier this year, 
"why" we start out in Torchon.  Frankly I "got it" right away at the Honiton 
workshop, i.e. if I could draw/follow a shape, I could make lace.  No pesky 
angles to calculate to persuade a motif to fit a pre-determined grid.  And of 
course it's always easier to learn something to which you are naturally 
attracted!  And when you think of it, I made several small motifs (Honiton big 
& bold) with 15prs so it was reasonably inexpensive.  As to making bobbins, 
members of The Lace Enclave did just that at one of our guild events--fun, easy 
& inexpensive.  We also made kumihimo sleeves for larger gimp!
  bobbins--way cool.  On another note, would you believe that BagSmith is 
selling Sajou bobbins?  I found them at their internet booth for the upcoming 
www.needleworkshow.com   So ladies, you may get your wish!  Thousands of 
embroidery customers will be exposed.  Let the osmosis begin!  Sincerely, Susan 
Hottle, Erie, PA USA 

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