Sue, I have had a look at the photo of your travel pillow.
The first thing I noticed is that the little pouch on the back flap seems to
me to be set at the wrong angle - facing the wrong way.  On my travel pillow
the pouch opens towards the roller, so the lace comes off the roller and
feeds into the pouch where it is kept safe.

I tried using a "rolling pin" to secure the lace as it was made, but found
that it sat in the hinge of the back flap, and was in the way/annoying, so I
went back to just stuffing the lace into the pouch.   It will press flat if
ever I get enough done to use on something!!! I can pull it out easily, if I
am at a demonstration to show people, and push it back into the pouch to
keep it clean at other times.

My pillow bows in the centre a bit, as I have used up to 28 pairs on it, and
they were really too many!  I have a (new!) folded Chux wipe (throw-away
cleaning cloth) under the dressing cloth to try to level out the dip when I
am working!! 

Regards from Liz in hot, sunny, Melbourne, Oz.

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