Dear Ayla, and other newbies to the list...

When I first joined Arachne, I had only been making lace for about six weeks!  
However, I had a medical crisis that confined me for another six weeks, so I 
could not go to guild meetings to continue my lessons.  (Note to guilds...  
Have an outreach volunteer for just such an emergency!).  

However, after going on-line and discovering Arachne, I posted, had an 
avalanche of responses, made a dear friend of another (seasoned) lacemaker 
merely 40 miles away (over the mountain), received tons if help, and the rest 
is history!

This list is definitely a huge boost to newcomers...  But only if you post!  Be 
careful not to reveal email address or mailing address in a post to the list, 
but if you give a general region and the country you're in, then chances are 
you can eventually find a mentor, as I did.  

Thanks, Tamara Duvall!    VBG


Clay Blackwell
Lynchburg, VA, USA

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 18, 2013, at 8:31 PM, Ayla Middleton <> wrote:

> Dear spiders
> I joined arachne late last year, and apart from joining
> the Christmas exchange, have mostly been lurking. As a beginner I haven't
> really felt i've had much to contribute to the list, and was just coming to
> the point when I had questions to ask when these emails
> about contributors arrived. However I'm about to go on holiday, sadly
> without any lace, so will lurk for a bit longer and post questions when I
> get back.
> As for the 20th anniversary, I favor bobbins. Being new to lace making I
> haven't nearly reached the point of having "enough" bobbins yet, let alone
> too many to count!
> regards
> Ayla
> -
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> unsubscribe lace For help, write to
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